Leadership skills vs Salesmanship … there’s a HUGE difference

May 13, 2011 at 6:59 am | Posted in Business, Network Marketing, Personal Development, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Network marketing is not all about selling products door-to-door. It is a leadership business, and there’s a huge difference. If you want to make extra money to pay for your rent, then probably you can do selling products piece-by-piece. But if you are up for building a fortune, you’ve got to learn effective leadership skills.

All leaders can naturally sell, and almost without any effort. Not all salespeople are leaders though. In fact in our team, I don’t know of any person who became successful whose professional background is into sales. If there’s any, there’s probably only a few. That’s because not all salesman are entrepreneurs.

I’m writing this post because, these past few days, I’ve met a good number of people who doesn’t want to do network marketing business because they don’t want to sell products.

Selling products is only part of the whole, and the business is much, much bigger than that. I know a 7-figure income earner who can hardly remember if he had sold a single product during his entire network marketing career.

So here are a few distinctions:

  • Leading will give you leverage income. Selling will give you active income.
  • Leading will expand your business fast. Selling will exhaust you working on your own.
  • Leaders attracts people. Salespeople look for people.
  • Leaders influence people. Salespeople convince people.

So, if you are still have a mental picture of you selling products door-to-door, chasing people, and convincing them to buy your stuffs, you are surely thinking small time. And if you want a successful network marketing business, think bigger than that – lead!

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